Sunday, November 27, 2005

Insatiable Government, Bruce Ramsey

Bruce Ramsey has published a new collection of Garrett's writings:

Includes writings from 1923-1950

I have not read this compilation yet, but that day is coming.

Thanks largely to Bruce Ramsey, Garrett's writings have seen more "buzz" than at any time in the last 40 years.

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Salvos Against the New Deal

Three days ago, I listed "Salvos Against the New Deal" as this month's book-of-the month selection at my other blog. Someone actually followed the link and bought a copy already! I will have more to say about this book later.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Harangue sighting on e-bay - $99.99

An original edition of Harangue is currently being auctioned at e-bay. I offer no opinions as to the asking price. I bought my copy for much less on e-bay two years ago.

But I can confirm that the description of an original edition Harangue as "very rare" and "very hard to find outside of a library" is accurate. My own struggle to find even a magazine reproduction of Satan's Bushel is described here. Garrett's novels each come available on e-bay about once a year or less.

BTW - this is not my sale. I simply find it noteworthy whenever there is a Garrett novel sighting anywhere. The last such e-bay sighting for Harangue occurred eleven months ago, which listing was withdrawn before any bids were made.

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