Click here for Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of my review of The Cinder Buggy.
In Chapters XXVIII through XXX, Cinder Buggy increases in intensity.
Chapter XXVIII, Garrett continues the story of the dawn of the steel age, as the main characters grow their business:
Steel wire was indispensable to the steel age. There were bridges to be cast in the air like cobwebs, chasms to be spanned, a thousand giants to be snared in their sleep with threads of steel wire, single, double, or twisted by hundreds into cables. Enough of them would make a rope strong enough to halt the world in its flight if one end could be made fast in space. There could never have been a steel age without steel wire. But the steele age required first of all steel rails to run on . . . . [p. 244].
When other people were thinking railroad building had been overdone he said it had not really begun. He imagined the possibility that the locomotive would double in size.
It did. Then it doubled again. It could not have done so without steel rails under its feet, and if it had not doubled and then doubled again this now would be a German world. Democracy even then was shaping its weapons for Armageddon through men who knew nothing about it. They were free egoists, seeking profit, power, personal success, everyone attending to his own greatness. Never before in the world had the practise of individualism been so reckless, so purely dynamic, so heedless of the Devil's harvest. Yet it happened, - it precisely happened, - that they forged the right weapons. It seems sometimes to matter very little what men think. They very often do the right thing for wrong reasons. It seems to matter even less why they work. All that the great law of becoming requires is that men shall work. They cannot go wrong really. They cannot make wrong things. The pattern is foreordained. [pp. 245-246].
Garrett writes metaphorically and with an eye on the long arc of history. In these two sections covering parts of 3 pages, Garrett helps the reader to see the entire Earth and a fifty year historical timeline. In these few lines, Garrett imagines possibilities that never occurred and consequences that were never imagined.
The essays that Garrett inserts into his stories are the most thought provoking portions of his books. When he returns to the specifics of his plot, the plot remains fixed on the action and does not provide much detail to explore the eloquont metaphors and prose of the essay portion of Chapter XXVIII.
Cinder Buggy, like Garrett's other novels, was written before the New Deal. There was less of an urgent need for Garrett to focus his essays into a spirited advocacy of individualism and freedom or to explore these themes by integrating the plot to a degree that later appears in the Randian novels.
Chapter XXVIII also features another discussion of how the characters financed a corporation in such a way that would bore the writiers (and possibly readers or viewers) of modern business based fiction. But the discussion works, advances the plot and is interesting in the context of the plot.
Chapters XXIX and XXX see the return of the main characters to New Damascus.
The mystery of the Thane-Agnes marriage is revealed. Garrett often presented plot points with narrative explanation instead of with dialogue. Reading the dialogue in the Randian novels gives us an idea of the true potential of the Garrett novels. Integrating more dialogue between Agnes and Thane might have provided for a more thorough exploration of their story.
I will be vague here so as to avoid plot spoilers. The main conflict of
Cinder Buggy appears to come to an end in Chapters XXVIII - XXX. While one mystery appears to be resolved, another one appears to begin in Chapter XXX. Regardless of how far the new potential mystery goes, the discussion in this Chapter fosters a deeper appreciation of factories and their importance to all of our lives. I cannot be more specific without spoiling one aspect of the plot.
here for part 19.
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